When I can't sleep at night -- which lately has been all too often -- I toss and turn and fade in and out and all the while I think of Colombia.
I think about our Colombian friends. I think about our American friends who have Colombian children. I think about Victor and Yolanda, Susan and Ricardo, Isabel, Juanita and all the other's who have touched my life in some small way. I think about the women who birthed my children. I wonder if they can sleep tonight.
I think about the children of Luz Y Vida and I wonder how Sister Valeriana ever sleeps at night. I think about the sweet voice of Treisy and pray she will come home soon. I think about the sad and broken eyes of the two girls with EB, a rare skin disease that makes it nearly impossible to be touched by another person. I think of the laughter of Claudia, Camilo, Mauricio, Tatiana and Juan David. I think about the way Jorge responds to Lori. I think of Johanna and how one day she will rule the world.
I think about the flowers and how they are always in bloom there. I think of how the sky there is bluer than any other place I have ever known. I think about the constant crowds of people, the food, the sounds, the energy. I start to smell cilantro.
I think about how most Americans will never know that there is so much more to Colombia than what they see on CNN. I think about crop spraying. I think about coffee farmers and banana growers and greenhouse owners. I think about street children, refugees and poverty -- real poverty. I think about the colors of the market on Sundays.
I think about how this place, these people and children, have invaded my soul. I wonder if I will ever be able to separate myself again even if I wanted to, which I do not. I wonder why God sent me there. I wonder why he keeps me awake at night thinking of a place I can't get to without a day-long commute and a wad of money that I never seem to have. I wonder what will come of it all.
Colombia has shaped me in ways I am yet to discover, like underwater currents constantly running below the surface,
forming caves and caverns that will be there for eternity.
When I can't sleep at night, I think about Colombia.
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